
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Review: The High Calling - weekly e newsletter

The weekly e-newsletter reviewed is from October 24, 2012.

I've never read anything from this site, let alone heard of it. This is a review of my experience with the newsletter - what I noticed, how I navigated through it, how I took in the 'sights and sounds' of it.


The premise is attractive - firstly, this site is about everyday conversations, meaning it is accessible and approachable. Secondly, these conversations are about a mixture of work, life and God. The ordering makes me wonder if that's how we - how i go about my life. Work first, life second, and squeeze God in. Or at best, juggle the three into neat 33% packages. Perhaps I was simply in a contemplative mood and picked up on that.

The e-newsletter has three main sections: 

  • New audio
  • New articles
  • Related articles from the community

With an explosive amount of information and things to do on the internet, I've developed a specific taste for information. Not in the mood to listen to something or watch a video, I scrolled straight to the related articles. As a young adult who admittedly struggles with surrendering to God and wanting Him, I clicked into 'stop waiting for God to tell you what to do' heading.

This opened up in a new tab, with a concise introduction to the piece, and link to the full post. on the sides were the usual 'subscribe to this' option, 'most popular post', and below 'related posts' and 'comments'. They weren't too obtrusive. I just wanted to read the post I clicked, in full.

(so now I'm no longer on the High Calling site)

I immediately the face on the new page ( . It's Donald Miller - from blue like jazz.

I liked the article. I felt it struck the right idea - we are paralyzed by options. So much so, we choose passivity. We blindly call it 'waiting for God to act' when we're not doing our part. We avoid eye contact with being proactive. 

My number one draw point was that - you have to go and make survivable mistakes with God. 

The article doesn't go deeper than I thought, and not a single bible verse was used. In a way I was comfortable with that - inserting bible verses sometimes feels forced and out of context. Yet at the same time, without bible verses it feels more like a feel-good productivity article. I'm still juggling this outlook.

After the article, there's no links to go back to the original newsletter or the higher calling website. So ultimately the newsletter felt like a curated list of possible things I would need for that moment of time. A quick stop-by. I didn't feel particularly inclined to subscribe to the newsletter, though I did think of subscribing to the 

Please note that I am not affiliated with The High Calling in any formal or personal ways. On the completion of this review (regardless of favourability), Handlebar Central reviews the blog review and may reward me a $10 Amazon Gift Card by email.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Book Review - Wild at Heart by John Eldredge

Wild at Heart by John Eldredge is a book about discovering the real heart of man, and in so doing reflecting the courageous, dangerous and wild heart of Creator God. At the core of this book is not principles, a list of dos and don'ts, but an ensuing dialogue that explains why men fight, why men are moved to rebel against injustice. In a flowing read, John covers the various aspects of men from both skill and experience as a counselor and married man - such as the wound of absent fathers, the ultimate question of 'am I strong - am I a man?', and the way towards restoring each dimension of manhood through community, vulnerability and perspective. As mentioned in the epilogue, this is not a book that should be read and put down as a mere interesting book. All great books in history inspire action, and read with the open mind and ready heart, this is another such book.

Monday, April 5, 2010












Monday, March 29, 2010

Book Review - Winston Churchill by John Perry

Winston Churchill by John Perry. This book brings together a concise outlook on the highly influential British man who, with no exaggeration added, shaped the modern world. His unwavering belief in the victory against evil, a sense of Divine intervention, and the advent of hope regardless of circumstance builds this narrative to a powerful start to finish.

Perry does not delve too deeply into the Victorian England system that Churchill's ancestors dwelt in, making the starting read a comfortable one for those who aren't so familiar with that upper class culture.

One cannot read this without quietly (or loudly) agreeing that Churchill was a man 'born for such a time as these'. Sharp wit coupled with oratory prowess could only pull him so far, and this book works to highlight some implications of early Christian grounding, provided by his beloved nanny who through Churchill's lisp calls 'Oom'.

This book is recommended for those looking for a good story, laced with the suspense of ‘what if…’s that comes with reviewing history in hindsight, and perhaps the feeling that purpose does come from on High. Or else there would be no Winston Churchill as we know him.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010






我便在網上找了些周杰倫歌詞,說道:‘不如jam 吧!’
說罷便跳到電子琴處,開始彈出『青花瓷』 的序樂。
就是這樣的開始,我們連續cover 了十多首Jay Chou。


『髮如雪』明顯的‘噢’ 放在‘狼牙月。。。’之前


Monday, February 8, 2010


有一份經濟學的月刊 'In the black' (自譯:摸黑)談及
總裁和『早才』的兩種人生觀。(CEO & early talent)


有些人少時比較上 ‘平庸’,好成績得來不容易,往往需要多方面思考,轉變和挫敗視於平常事。


很多家長如賭博般逼小孩子學鋼琴,學小提琴, 心持著 ‘大個左嘅時候會多謝我地嘅培養!’的心態。爸媽沒給我這個機遇,我也從來沒有后悔,更加沒有覺得學琴的人比我幸福。

11 歲時小學學校開啟了‘賞試音樂班’,一共10 堂,每次15 分鐘,3 個人一起上堂。剛巧我跟兩位好朋友一起上課,而他們倆都已學了4-6 年(那又何必上這些小兒科?)。






當人家寒暄的時候,沒有提及到我的什么‘天份’ 或 ‘恩賜’。




*通常小孩子會由5,6歲時開始學琴。如果每年持續著,很多人便會在14,15 歲考六級。我當時19歲,‘遲’了幾年,其他的考生還在中學。

Thursday, January 14, 2010


這禮拜都覺得心煩,因為不太了解他們的想法 - 裝飾態度要 ‘龜毛’ 還是 ‘過得去’?


只好默默在后邊等候,見機把瑣碎的事拿起來,辦好,然后做精簡的 ‘報告’。

動畫片‘天外奇跡’ (UP) 中,最深刻的莫過于老公公對已過世的妻子的情懷。

飛到南美的童心夢, 不倚靠別的 -
